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MOO and REM MAPS invite you to:

M O O V I D    - T h u r s d a y    M a y    2 1   2 0 2 0

MOOVID is the virtual edition of MILANO ORBITAL ORIENTEERING CHALLENGE, an orienteering based urban rogaining held every year in Milan.

C O U N T R Y   R E S U L T S

R E S U L T S   Updated with Over Time competitors(OT)

D E T A I L E D   R E S U L T S   Updated with Over Time competitors(OT)
[you find correct answers in the first row]

part 3) MOO BICI
QUESTION 8- Main colours of the gate?
ALL ANSWERS ARE OK: I didn't notice upper part of the gate was white - SORRY!

T E M P O   F L A G S   P O S I T I O N

C O M P E T I T I O N   L I N K

F I N A L    I N F O

MOOVID on Facebook
to have the latest news


may 22
MOOVID competition page stays active and now it is in TRAINING mode: no e-mail asked and the answers are no more compulsory so you can freely skip pages (for instance if you want to do TempO only). You can go back and forth and have more freedom if you want to answer one map only. When you submit the last page you will have instantly your score and correct answers
may 21
Results, country results, detailed results and TempO flag positions published - see link above. Thanks a lot for hsving played MOOVID!
may 21
Everything ready - you find competition link above
may 19
Final info is published - see link above. Time limit moved to 2h45' because MOOVID is really massive :-)
may 16
Courses are finalized: see below for number of maps and tasks - 100 points at stake for the winner!
may 13
Mighty Anastasia Trifilenkova has translated all race info for Russian language speakers - you find it here RUS Бюллетень
may 10
Number of tasks updated: there will be more than 85
may 6
Website opens

Thursday May 21 2020
Mass start: 4 PM CEST
(CEST is Central European Sumer Time: Rome, Madrid, Paris, Berlin etc. etc.)
Time limit: 2h 45'

MOOVID will take place in Milan - Italy, but you will compete from everywhere in the world with your computer

- Orienteering maps - sprint, surveyed on purpose for MOOVID. Most of them never published before
(these maps are according to the standards, but locations will be very very special, the boring city center with monuments will be barely used)
- MOO BICI maps (based on Open Orienteering Map style and automatic data from OpenStreetMap)

- Street-O questions (in English language only) with multiple choice answers that you will solve with GoogleMaps Streetview (or other extravaganza): 7 maps (5 new maps) and 61 questions
- Temp-O: 7 stations with 5 tasks each on 6 different maps (5 new maps)

The competition is done during Corona virus lockdown period and in most countries you are not allowed to move and see friends, so this is meant to be an individual competition. Anyway you are free to compete in team with anyone that is at the computer with you.
If you are competing in team there are some FAIR PLAY RULES:
- it is not allowed to open multiple sessions and split the questions between team members
- if you are competing together with the same computer please send one entry only
- if you are in the same house using two different computers please don't work together/share information on solving the tasks (same answers with the same time from two people in the same household will be very suspicious)

Number of correct answers (within the time limit)
In case of a tie: time will count

There's no need to pre-enter (it would be a waste of time for everybody because anyway the day of competition you will need to submit e-mail again)
It is expected that more than 500 competitors will participate
Please share this website or Facebook event with people that can be interested
All info (basically final bulletin the day before the competition and link to competition page) will be shared here and on Facebook event

The first three places in the result list will be awarded a free team entry each for next editions of MOO CHALLENGE or MOO BICI (not transferable - total prize value: 90 EUR)

You can play MOOVID for free.
After competition if you really liked MOOVID you can be nice and send a voluntary fee. See how on this page
Non EUR-countries: there's an option without commissions – see page!

MOOVID is targeted for Orienteering people around the world, that know map symbols, control descriptions and basic Trail-O (Temp-O) rules, but even non-orienteers can enjoy the competition with a 10 minutes training to know what expect (see below)

The main purpose of MOOVID is to entertain you in a clever way. The winner of MOOVID knows very well how to read a map and understand fast where is a control point. The focus is on fast navigation and decision.
You don't need special computer skills, or any knowledge on botany, engineering or any special local Italian habits. The questions are in simple English and sometimes for the answer you have to read/recognize a couple of words in Italian language, but you will manage even if you don't know the meaning.
If you are on the right spot (exactly at the center of control circle) the answer of the question will be straightforward, no need to think a lot; just make sure you are in the right place :-)
All questions are answered with the most recent Street View imagery - you never need to go back in time or to see the feature with Satellite View or to see users pictures (blue dots)

There are many online Virtual-O Street-O
You can try:
Venice (in Italian)
Monastier (in Italian)
Primiero (in English)

Have a look at 'normal' MOO CHALLENGE maps and questions January 2020 (in Italian)

Have a look at MOO BICI maps (in Italian)

In a Temp-O competition you usually sit on a chair, you see 6 control flags and you are provided a set of maps. On every map there's a control circle (with control description) and you need to tell which control flag is the correct one. You will name control flags from left to right: A B C D E F. If no control flag is at the correct spot you will answer Z.
You can train online Temp-O skills on the amazing Libor Forst page (launch 'Training events' or 'Random station' - no need to login)
In normal competitions the time of answering each station will be recorded, plus 30 seconds penalty for each mistake.
In MOOVID Temp-O the time of a single station will not be counted but of course it will go on the total time of your competition - and mistakes are counted (not time penalty)

Remo Madella [REM MAPS - ITALY]
remo -at- remmaps.it


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